Saturday, March 13, 2010

Arrested for Pre-Crime

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Anymore, this applies only to those persons that the Police-State deem to be 'not a risk'. Think about that for a moment. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is for People to be a risk for totalitarian governments. This isn't a new philosophy regarding Civil Liberties - it is historical fact.

Recently, there was a gentleman in Oregon that was placed on administrative leave from his Oregon Department Of Transportation (ODOT) position. He subsequently purchased (LEGALLY) an AK-47, a .45 caliber H&K semi-auto pistol, and a Walther .380 pistol. These were additions to his "arsenal" of a 12 gauge shotgun and another H&K .45.

Bells and Whistles went off in Big Brother's surveillance system - this poor sap MUST be planning something. Therefore, for the sake of Public Safety, SWAT members surrounded his home which had already been under surveillance for the legal gun purchases. The guy was taken into 'protective' custody, and sent into a local medical facility for a mental health examination. The only evidence of the guy being a danger is that he purchased some guns. Apparently, in this once great and Free Nation, there is no longer a requirement of having prima facie evidence of a crime being committed.

So what we've witnessed is that Big Brother is watching your purchases - they will send in Stormtroopers if they believe that YOU ARE THINKING of committing a crime.

The gentleman, David Pyles, has since been "allowed" to return to his residence... and the police have subsequently returned the property that they had previously stolen from him. I would hope that he speaks with an attorney about the Oregon State Police violating his Constitutional Rights.

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